Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl


The summer season is a fantastic time to enjoy seafood salads. Poke bowls highlight fresh fish and a wide variety of vegetable flavors. Tuna is a wonderful source of protein, and the combination with avocado provides excellent healthy fats. Tomato and cucumber are hydrating and cooling, and mango adds a hint of sweetness. This recipe is wonderful to enjoy on a warm summer evening.


1lb Ahi Tuna (sushi grade)

1 Avocado

1 Cucumber

1 Tomato

1 Mango

1 cup Brown Rice

3 Green Onions

Sesame Seeds



4 tbsp Sesame Oil

2 tbsp Soy Sauce

1 tbsp Rice Vinegar

1 tsp Ginger, thinly sliced

½ tsp Chilli Flakes



·      Cook rice

·      Place tuna in freezer for 20 minutes until it becomes slightly firm and easier to slice

·      Combine marinade ingredients into a bowl and mix together well

·      Dice tuna into 1 inch bite-size pieces

·      Mix tuna and marinade together, saving a little marinade for pouring over at the end

·      Let marinating tuna sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes while flavors infuse

·      Toast sesame seeds in a stainless steel pan on low heat until golden brown and set aside

·      Thinly slice avocado, cucumber, tomato, mango, green onion

·      Add rice to plate

·      Add marinated tuna

·      Add toppings

·      Pour over remaining marinade

·      Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds


Note: It’s important to confirm the quality and grade of raw fish with your local seafood source before consuming.


Bonne appetit!

Caitlan Gignac